Pen Academic Publishing-   |  e-ISSN: 2667-5331

Original article | International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 2023, Vol. 6(2) 65-77

Increasing Primary School Students' Awareness of Cultural Heritage through Visual Interface Design

Vedat Özsoy, Nursena Koyutürk

pp. 65 - 77   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: ugsead.2023.007

Published online: December 27, 2023  |   Number of Views: 35  |  Number of Download: 170


Cultural heritage is the building block of a society, a set of tangible or intangible values that have come from the past to the present and should be transferred to future generations. Today, however, it has become important that these values, which face some negative impacts, are protected and sustained, in other words, that they are sustainable. The most basic and best way to ensure sustainability is to instill awareness of cultural heritage from an early age through education. Accordingly, in this study, first, the objectives and achievements of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades that may be related to cultural heritage in the Primary School Life Science Lesson and Visual Arts Lesson curricula were examined. A visual interface was designed with the idea that realizing these acquisitions, which have content related to cultural heritage, supported by visuals in a digital learning environment will contribute to the retention of information. In this visual interface design, there are games such as puzzles, artifact stories, reading aloud, finding a similar artifact, etc. to teach historical ruins and artifacts that fall within the scope of cultural heritage. With this design proposal prepared for the achievements of the courses, it is aimed to increase the interest of primary school students aged 9-10 in Turkey's cultural heritage, to raise their awareness, to educate them through gamification and to contribute to their mental development in this way. In this study, qualitative research method and case study design were used, and within this framework, the purposive sampling group consisted of classroom and visual arts teachers and a visual communication designer. The opinions of the teachers and field experts were consulted about the contributions that the visual interface design prepared by the researchers could make to the realization of the relevant outcomes and its functionality and aesthetic aspects.

Keywords: Primary art education, Cultural heritage education, Digital learning, Usage of visual interface for art education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ozsoy, V. & Koyuturk, N. (2023). Increasing Primary School Students' Awareness of Cultural Heritage through Visual Interface Design . International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education, 6(2), 65-77. doi: 10.29329/ugsead.2023.621.2

Ozsoy, V. and Koyuturk, N. (2023). Increasing Primary School Students' Awareness of Cultural Heritage through Visual Interface Design . International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education, 6(2), pp. 65-77.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozsoy, Vedat and Nursena Koyuturk (2023). "Increasing Primary School Students' Awareness of Cultural Heritage through Visual Interface Design ". International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 6 (2):65-77. doi:10.29329/ugsead.2023.621.2.


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