Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 2018, Vol. 1(1) 21-28
pp. 21 - 28
Publish Date: December 30, 2018 | Single/Total View: 66/724 | Single/Total Download: 93/1.464
Art Education is based on variable approaches in a wide vision. Cultural, intellectual, aesthetical, technical, historical etc and many more parameters are subjects to be recognized. The rich and fruitful reflections are being delivered after the use of theoretical and practical work in education.
Historical approaches in design education regarding both theoretical and both analysis work forms the basis of art knowledge. But to assume the most effective practice should be depending on the structure of bringing proposals to historical subjects.
An approach to analysis work should be considered on the basis of architectural usage. Historical monuments could be evaluated by the interaction of parametric design facilities.
Use of computer based technologies in design issues is forming the standards and concept of design also. Parametric design is one of the reflections addressing design in relation with computer aided facilities. Some samples and basic approaches are being analyzed with proposals in design education.
Keywords: Art Education, Historical Monuments, Cave Houses, Parametric Design, Cave Interiors
APA 7th edition
Yildiz, P. (2018). Art Education Regarding Design and Nature- Bringing Spatial and Functional Proposals to some Cave Houses in Capadoccia Region Turkey. International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education, 1(1), 21-28.
Yildiz, P. (2018). Art Education Regarding Design and Nature- Bringing Spatial and Functional Proposals to some Cave Houses in Capadoccia Region Turkey. International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education, 1(1), pp. 21-28.
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Yildiz, Pelin (2018). "Art Education Regarding Design and Nature- Bringing Spatial and Functional Proposals to some Cave Houses in Capadoccia Region Turkey". International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 1 (1):21-28.
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