Original article | International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 2018, Vol. 1(1) 50-61
Şebnem Noyat, Çağatay İnam Karahan & Ali Osman Alakus
pp. 50 - 61 | Manu. Number: MANU-1812-20-0002
Published online: December 30, 2018 | Number of Views: 314 | Number of Download: 891
Pre-school education is the period in which mind and body development is achieved. This period promotes the socialization of the individual and the development of self-care skills.
The aim of this study is to determine the development of Montessori Approach about creativity in pre-school education. In the arts education classes in the preschool education program, the Montessori Approach was applied to identify creativity in children.Children who continue their education in school realize their hidden abilities. Learns to move out of individuality in the social life of the school. The child begins to learn art education in pre-school period. The Ministry of National Education education trains on arts in the pre-school education program. The practical activities that make up this course play a role in the development of students, psychomotor, cognitive and affective behaviors. In the researches carried out in the related age groups, it was determined that the students' creativity in art education classes enabled them to be active and free in the classes in which Montessori Approach was applied.Maria Montessori, the educational approach; based on experiences, observations, information and research.Montessori developed his method by observing children living in natural environment by observing them.
In this research, descriptive analysis was applied in order to demonstrate the equivalence of the work of Maria Montessor and his scientific qualifications children living in a natural classroom environment have been observed and research has been developed with the notes. The student behaviors within the scope of the research were examined directly in the natural environment and descriptive analysis and qualitative research design were used.The study group consisted of 80 students (38 girls-42 boys) between 48-66 months. Montessori education with the approach of the research selected from the group of mixed ages 48-66 months and 20 students in creating, traditional (teacher-centered) approach, students are divided into classes according to the 60-month group 48-66 months. Observation form was used to determine the effect of preschool children on art education and creativity development with Montessori approach.
As stated in the discussion section of the article, in other studies on the subject, the effect of the Montessori approach was evaluated in preschool children with and without disabilities. As a result of the analyzes, hyperactive, autistic and normal child initially observed excessive mobility, distractibility, restlessness, not following instructions, frequent crying, frustration and aggression; As a result of the Montessori approach, it was concluded that these behaviors decreased significantly. In this context, it was realized that Montessori approach has a meaningful difference in terms of colors, shapes and works used in art activities due to the comfort, calmness and peace of mind. In researches and literature reviews, as stated by the researchers; when the child behaviors are examined, it can be interpreted that Montessori Approach is effective in decreasing child behavior problems and develops a sense of order and trust in each other.
Students' problems related to the creativity they live in art education; visual and verbal examples given by the teacher. The students were placed in a certain point during the course and reminded the class rules of behavior by the teacher. The most problematic finding about the results of the research is that the students are not free during the course. Students have reduced their creativity.
In various discussions on this subject, it was concluded that in the process of preparing a country's preschool education system, the classroom environment that can meet the students 'own needs and the approaches that make the student more free are important in the students' creativity process.
Key Words: Montessori Approach, art education, creativity
Keywords: Montessori Yaklaşımı, sanat eğitimi, yaratıcılık
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