Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 2018, Vol. 1(1) 84-89

Hücrelerin Renkleri

Esin Gürsoy

pp. 84 - 89

Publish Date: December 30, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 32/642   |   Single/Total Download: 48/1.350


Introduction: Gifted students are individuals who learn knowledge more rapidly than their peers (Science and Art Centers Introductions, 2016). So these gifted students need specific learning domains which are constructed according to their acceleration on the basis of specific programming options (Rogers, 2007). These specific programming options give opportunity to gifted students for learning with their like ability peers in schools designed for gifted students (Science and Art Centers Introductions, 2016).

Purpose: So the purpose of this research is to integrate science to art as a specific programming option for the education of the gifted then to make them learn the knowledge much more permanently.

Method: This research was conducted with 11 gifted students guided by three gifted peers in 2018 - 2019 academic year at a school for the gifted in Ankara providence through 16 lessons period as a specific programming option. As one of the qualitative designs, case study was utilized. As data collecting tools, student painted drawings, semi-structured interview forms and participant observer notes were used. The data collecting tools content validity was checked by a science teacher and an art teacher. Throughout the application process, first the gifted students were shown the microscopic pictures of two different cells. And then the gifted students drew the cells on canvas with acrylic color. Three gifted peer students guided the process. After the application process, semi-structured interviews were made with the gifted students for making them evaluate the whole process. Two different participant observers' field notes were taken and cross-comprised too. The gathered data analyzed by content analysis and descriptions. For content analysis codes and categories were constructed and then frequencies were calculated.

Findings: The student constructed paintings were analyzed on the basis of content analysis. It was found that the drawings of the students were about plant cells (f:6) and protista cells (f:5). The paintings were evaluated as scientifically true modeled (f:9) and partly scientifically modeled (f:2). The cells drawn by the students were ciliated (f:7) and non-ciliated (f:4). Some of the cell drawings contained nucleus (f:5), while some others not (f:6). All of the gifted students' drawings contained a cell membrane (f:11). And some of the gifted students drew the organelles properly (f:9) while some others not (f:2). Semi-structured interview forms data for evaluating the whole process from students' perspective analyzed by content analysis too. It was found that the gifted students had not had such a learning experience before (f:10) except one gifted student. The gifted students thought that the application process was amusing (f:11). They also thought that the application process made them learn knowledge by the means of the terms (f:9) and by easily (f:4). They said the integration of science to art made them work collaborately (f:6) and made them think creatively (f:6). Also two different participant observer field notes cross-comprised and then descriptions were made such as that the collaborate working made the gifted students much more active. According to the notes the gifted students criticized each others' thinking strategies thorough the collaborative working so could think and draw creatively. The notes also lightened that the gifted students could use the colors and brushes properly too.

Conclusion, Discussion and Suggestions: This research made gifted students integrate science to art by the help of the drawings of different cells' microscopic views which concluded meaningful learning and creativity. So the research modeled how to make a specific programming option for the education of the gifted students for gifted students' educators. For further studies different programming options for making gifted students integrate science to art could be offered.

Keywords: The education of the gifted, integrating science to art, specific programming options, creativity.

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APA 7th edition
Gursoy, E. (2018). Hücrelerin Renkleri. International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education, 1(1), 84-89.

Gursoy, E. (2018). Hücrelerin Renkleri. International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education, 1(1), pp. 84-89.

Chicago 16th edition
Gursoy, Esin (2018). "Hücrelerin Renkleri". International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 1 (1):84-89.


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