Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 2020, Vol. 3(2) 1-13
pp. 1 - 13
Publish Date: December 21, 2020 | Single/Total View: 147/561 | Single/Total Download: 277/1.051
Schools generally force students on the solution of problems to give right answer as yes or no which cannot be improved the literacy skill of them as advance literacy. Whereas the non-routine problem solving process seen frequently in the Visual Arts Education may give many opportunities for students to think alternatively using literacy skill regarding advanced literacy. Although there have been many study findings about the effect of the Visual Arts Education upon the literacy in terms of the ‘writing' and the ‘reading' as basic level of the literacy, it has not been found any study findings in terms of the advanced literacy. With this aim, this research determines the role of the visual arts education in the advanced literacy regarding the critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving outcomes of this education discipline. Hence, the research questions were as followed: 'What requires of advance stage of literacy from critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving?' and 'What the role of the visual arts education in the advanced literacy?' The method of this study is based on literature review. A keyword search was used as the data collection tool. Accordingly, this study analyzes the literacy skills in terms of the effect of the Visual Arts Education upon the advanced literacy. Consequently, the study reveals the important role of the Visual Arts Education for the advanced literacy.
Keywords: Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Problem solving, Advanced literacy
APA 7th edition
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Ulger, K. (2020). The Effects of Visual Arts Education upon Literacy. International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education, 3(2), pp. 1-13.
Chicago 16th edition
Ulger, Kani (2020). "The Effects of Visual Arts Education upon Literacy". International Journal of Research in Fine Arts Education 3 (2):1-13.
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